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Kaysville Office

562 N Main St
Kaysville, Utah 84037

To book an appointment in our Draper office, please visit our Draper site.

Exterior photograph of the Kaysville Cutler Riley office building

Estate Planning Questionnaire

Thank you for taking the time to consider your estate planning options. This short questionnaire will help us understand which areas are most important to you.

    All fields are required unless otherwise noted

    Joint Estate Plan with Spouse

    I am married and would like to discuss creating a joint estate plan with my spouse to ensure that our wishes are aligned and our assets are managed and protected together.

    Avoiding Probate Court at Death

    I want my loved ones to avoid the delays and costs of probate court. I’d like to explore options like living trusts to ensure my estate can be passed down efficiently and privately.

    Appointing a Legal Guardian for Minor Children

    If I pass away, I want to make sure my minor or incapacitated children are cared for by someone I trust. Naming a legal guardian in my will is important to me.

    Designating Financial and Medical Agents if Mentally Incapacitated

    I want to appoint someone to manage my finances and healthcare decisions if I’m unable to do so myself. A financial power of attorney and healthcare directive can help ensure my wishes are followed.

    Minimizing Estate Taxes

    I have over $13 million in assets personally or, together with my spouse, over $26 million in assets. I'm interested in strategies to minimize estate taxes and ensure more of my wealth is passed on to my family at death.

    *Note: Federal estate taxes only apply to individuals with more than $13 million in assets or couples with more than $26 million. Estates below these amounts are not subject to federal estate taxes.

    Asset Protection

    I work in a profession with a high risk of lawsuits or I simply want the peace of mind that comes with asset protection.

    I understand that every asset protection strategy involves giving up some degree of control over my assets. In some cases, this loss of control may be minimal, but it is always necessary.

    I am interested in exploring trusts or other legal tools to protect my assets from potential creditors, lawsuits, or divorces, ensuring they are safeguarded for myself and my beneficiaries.

    Structuring Ownership of Rental Property

    I own at least one rental property and want to explore the best ways to structure ownership to protect these assets, simplify management, and maximize tax benefits.

    Business Succession Planning

    As a business owner, I want to ensure my business transitions smoothly to the next generation or new owners. I’d like to discuss how to plan for this transition.

    Blended Families

    I have children or stepchildren from multiple marriages, and I want to ensure that my estate is divided fairly and according to my wishes, avoiding potential disputes.

    Special Needs Planning

    I have a loved one with special needs, and I want to ensure they are cared for without losing their government benefits. A special needs trust is something I’d like to explore.


    Are you interested in forming businesses or discussing preparation of business contracts with us?

    Kindly enter your name (and spouse if applicable) to help us associate your responses. Thank you!

    Cutler Riley has been nominated for the best of Business Law for the sixth year in a row and the best of Estate Planning for the second year in a row.